Thursday, May 5, 2011

Music for workouts!!

I am very curious to what music gets you motivated to move!!! Is it rap, hard rock, jazz, etc.
I get motivated with rock. It makes me work hard!!!! But I want to know what you work best with!

Have a great day!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Not many of you know that I have thyroid issues. Its actually hypothyroid. I discovered I had it about 3 years ago after I had m little boy.  I started gaining weight, mainly around my midsection, and some of my hair started to slowly fall out. I was also extremely tired all of the time and could not peel myself off of the couch. But on the other hand I also had anxiety that was caused by the thyroid problem so I couldn't sleep.
This is when I went to the doctor and he  put me on hormone medication and thyroid medication.  Im not a fan of pills so I hated this. I was on it for a couple of months and I started eating very healthy and soon stopped taking the medicines. At that time I completely stopped eating any and all sugars and I started to feel much better. But unfortunately that didn't last forever because I am now back where I was before. I have recently started gaining weight, even though I eat pretty well and exercise a lot! I started showing other signs and I knew instantly what it was. So I went to the doctor and it is back. So I am back on the thyroid medication and will probably be on it a while. But I was actually reading an article this week of a lady that was diagnosed with a hypo thyroid and she changed her diet. But not the way that you think that she would change it. She decided to go back to the things that God has made. Which is whole milk, regular butter, beef, basically fattier foods. She feels like God made those foods for a reason and our bodies need those types of foods along with vegetables and fruits to make our bodies work correctly. She is by no means a doctor but I figure it is worth a shot. So I am going to continue my medication because that is my doctors orders but I am also going to try this special diet and see where it leads me. 
It should be fun and tasty! :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Starting With This

Hey everyone! I am new to the blogging world but decided I would give it a try. I plan on posting a lot about fitness and wellness.  Im also sure you will see me post some things about my life and what I do everyday. This should be interesting! :)